Youth and experience
Had a quick bottle of classy red with Top Gun whilst waiting for Mr C tonight, in our local and rather nice wine bar. The latter turned up after various train delays by which team Top Gun had eaten a lot of bread and cheese. The two of them got on rather well, both being a couple of eccentric British males with a love of witty discourse, booze and fine eating. Top Gun even quoted Frederick The Great which was a new one on me.
Mr C and I then decanted to Las Iguanas where we ate rather more than we should have done, drank more cocktails than was advisable, and shared stories of the NHS, life, the Universe and everything ...
Very good evening. Mr C and I last saw each other over a year ago but you wouldn't think so; we picked up just where we left off. I always think its a measure of a good connection that the time between times doesn't really matter ...
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