New toy

The husband is away, which means the weekend is always a little bit tougher and more exhausting. And the boys take complete advantage - they were both in bed with me by 3am, and given the cat was also on the bed, I was feeling pretty hemmed in!  I secretly love it. 

Trip into Melton this morning for the market.  I passed one of our neighbors on the way and stopped for a chat - turns out we share a very similar opinion on many things about the village and surrounding area.  She's about to move part-time to Spain as her daughter lives there, I'm secretly envious of her move. 

We have a new toy in the house (thank you to my sister).  The eldest has been completely entranced with it all day (some of the cars came to the market with us this morning). He's played on it almost non-stop all day - interrupted only with arguments from his brother who is still in toddler 'destruct' mode.  

After a long day yesterday and the youngest napping this morning on the way to Melton, it was an early night for both of them - fast asleep by 7pm.  I'm feeling that it will be an early night for me too. 

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