A place in time

By Verbosa

Damned Spam!

That was lucky - Mr A and I had cancelled our gym visit for the morning shortly before Mum called to say she needed help as she had cut her hand badly.  It seems she had struggled with the ring-pull top on the can of Spam, so in her determination to get the lid off she ended up coming off somewhat the worse for wear.

The local GP surgery (just two doors up the road) would not see her, so a swift drive over to Frimley Park Hospital was called for.  We had hoped she just needed a couple of steri-strips to tie the cut together, but it turned out she had actually cut her hand pretty deeply, severing a small artery (or blood vessel or whatever) and grazing the tendon in her thumb.  My, she certainly "bled like a stuck pig" when the temporary dressing was removed!

Five stitches, some swabbed iodine, a heavy gauze dressing and a tetanus jab later, with her hand secured in a sling, we toddled into the hospital coffee shop to top us both up with some caffeine and cake to get over the shock!

As she kept saying (bless her) - wasn't it lucky that I wasn't at work!

Reasons to be cheerful:

1. Mr A and I hadn't gone to the gym
2. I wasn't at work
3. I was only a 16 mile drive away from her so could get there in 30mins
4. She was treated by a terrific consultant (Prem - he was so kind) at Frimley Park Hospital who calmly patched her up

Thought for the day:

"Mom, for all the times I didn't thank you either because I was too young or too busy or just didn't find the words, today I thank you for all you've done for me.  Now that I'm older, I realise more and more everything you did, everything you gave, and most important, everything you stand for and I love you and thank you with all of my grateful heart."  (Jennifer Fujita)

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