A pointing day

Driving down from the pass I was interested to see the house from the main road on the far valley side. The scaffolding and the workmen's 'barracca' were plain to see. The terraces also looked surprisingly clean and green - something someone from across the valley had mentioned to our neighbour Giulio.

The guys, Fand S,  are making hay while the moisture holds. The head of the building firm, now in its fourth generation, R, called a halt to cutting out the old mortar in order to take advantage of the relatively warm and humid conditions. Too cold and the mortar freezes, too hot and dry and it sets to quickly.

With green plastic piping bags they ply the lime mortar into the deep recesses and finish off with a trowel. The next day they brush off the excess to give a very pleasing finish.

A local mason came round to give us an estimate on some cracked stone lintel replacements that will be finished by hand.  

There is an aesthetic here that we are learning about, the wisdom of the old ways enhanced with the latest technology.

I got on with clearing up and burning the ivy and old bamboo fencing I'd laid waste to yesterday. We all finished up at five - 'a programma' (on schedule). With just a sliver of moon to drive home by.

A nice four-way chat with my Mum and sister later.

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