
The wonderful Chris & Amanda are back, complete with shiny engagement ring!! Hooray! AND they want Danny to do their marriage ceremony! How lovely!

Today is King's Asha woke up to find a little gift in the boot she'd left out! 
Later in the day Stephen & Jud came over to share a Roscón cake...Asha was very pleased to be the one who found the figuerine in her slice! 
Hoping Nate sleeps well tonight...we were up hourly last night. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Chris & Amanda being home! This week has felt so odd with a part packed flat (thinking we'd be moving last week) & no Danny. It was SO good to see C&A and to have some normality! 
2) Friends who look past the mess & dirt in my home!
3) The kids being in bed & asleep pre 11,30...unlike last night.

I've backblipped for yesterday if you want a nosey!

5 days down, 2 to go!

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