Welcome to......

...... 2018 .....
Well I can pretend can't I ( poetical licence )!
No I wasn't at the South Bank these are captured from the TV . I toasted the New Year with a glass of Prosecco and a mince pie , as we did of old in the family, yes I was alone but so pleased for those that were partying, they all deserve it so much . So, God Bless you everyone .
When A arrived in Southampton one of the crew had collapsed and was taken to hospital , so I guess he is working hard to keep things on track in the studio.
A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you ALL in blip land ( and elsewhere too )

Grateful .... to have had news that the crew member is ok .

But ... ..... Sympathy and condolences to all who have suffered tragedy in the past 24 hours RIP to the victims involved in Australia .

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