What's it all .....

..... about!!!
This was the main quote used in the eulogy in church this morning. Mainly saying it's not all about presents/ glitter/ sparkling lights/ Christmas trees and the like .... but by the saviour of the world who was born in a stable in Bethlehem, worked as a labourer in Nazareth and ended giving up his life on a cross rude and bare. Yes we have such a lot to be grateful for.
But .....
For our family it means an added blessing , for today is the Rev's and his son"J" 's birthday , and now they are joined together even closer ( just 2 kidneys 1 each what better gift could a father give to his son ).
It has been a practise for many years to have a celebration breakfast, cos' being New Years Eve people have late celebrations of a different kind, it was sad this year "O" was in Greece and "J's" god parents couldn't be there either. It was still a nice occasion , so .... Happy birthday to you both "A & J ".
My blip shows the flowers my "lovelies " gave to me when they left yesterday , thank you so much " J /L & C " .
It has been a mixed weather day for the last day of 2017 and as I look out of the window it seems very windy too , at 4.25pm it's curtain drawing time !!
So hears wishing everyone who will be celebrating this evening a very happy and healthy New Year and most of all keep SAFE.

Thankful .... for Blessing great and small ( even in sorrow " HE" walked beside me.

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