Well I can pretend ....

...... can't I ??
I watched the fireworks in London on TV, let the new year in with a glass of Prosecco ( yes I had 1 bottle!! The ones made for 1 ) so tho' people couldn't hear me I wished everyone a Happy ,Health and good New Year . Yes I also had my first mince pie of the year ! Hoping calm and sensibility can prevail throughout the world in 2017 .
I went to church this morning , and then had a short walk, it was drizzling and a real damp feeling in the air ---- just no good for dodgy joints, so I've had to fall back on the dreaded Diclofenic, I'm just so stiff today, still my ankle seems to have resolved itself so that's got to be a bonus.

Happy ...... to have such a loving family and friends including all my blip friends too .

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