Great .....
evening with the ....
family up- north!
Today has been a lovely day of shopping for goodies for tonight, then granddaughter J made chilli and rice for lunch . Then we all played board games .
Poor R has been quite poorly but saw the GP this am , now on antibiotics and seems a little better. She managed to play games with us .
We played in teams of 2
# 1st Hum Bug , where you hum a song tittle on the card ( just to say I was rubbish!!)
# 2nd Colour Brain , that was good fun, when you had to put the colour name to the item on your card
#3rd we played Cluedo, I was pattering my daughter , just to say we were both clueless as to what we were doing, !
By 11.30 pm we had a few goodies and Prosecco ready to let the New Year in .
Great being with the northern family 1st for many years.
Tho' R is flagging now she's been a star in keeping up. The blip is accredited to her . Well done R.
Grateful .... for family and friendship.
Happy New Year to all you wonderful blippers out there.
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