Last Big Job

Been looking forward to this day for a long time - the day we get to finish the floors in a clear polyurethane coat. 4 weeks ago these floors were a very very dark brown, almost black in colour as they had been stained/varnished so heavily. And the varnish was peeling with wear - it wasn't a good look.

The plan was always to knock these floors back and redo them in their natural colours. So we sanded them a few weeks ago and the house immediately changed. Gone was the darkness in the rooms, and the rooms hold themselves as light and airy, a space you want to be.

Today was the first of the coating that goes on them, and it was brilliant. Instantly the floor colour came through, the wood grain became visible with a wonderful high contrast. Frankly, anyone who stains an oak hardwood floor needs to be taken out back and shot. Repeatedly.

The brush falling in the can of polyurethane is a bit of an accident. But it's only a $3 brush so I'm not going to lose sleep.

Floor has until Sunday or Monday to harden before we do the next coat, and then it has all week to cure.

Funny thing about the day though - whilst I was doing the floor I was singing along to the radio, and obviously I painted myself to a corner - which was the kitchen door. All was going to plan. Until I realised that the radio was on the far wall. Ah well, hope the neighbours like County music as that is what is playing ALL weekend now!

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