Day with Family

Was invited over to my brother in law's new property, first real chance I've had to see it since I've got back. A nice 3 bedroom house, on 5 acres of land fenced in. My brother in law likes his gardening. Gardening became farming, farming became bigger farming.

This won't be a huge farm, 5 acres I think is big enough right now, but as a patch of land to grow your own food (and a whole lot more) and to raise a few animals it's perfect. There is none of this new age hippy stuff either, the two pigs they own are being slaughtered on Tuesday (and if you don't know, they will be taken to a processor who will kill them, and then prepare the meat for around 69c per lb iirc). They also had plenty of chickens and turkeys wandering round as well. They'll be buying more animals over time.

Also got to try out archery and I'm quite pleased to say that I was rubbish at it. Embarrassingly enough I could not pull the 70lb string back of the bigger bow! But this is a nice photograph of my brother in law and his daughter practising. She's rather good at archery as well! 3" spread, unsighted at 25 yards.

Another brother in law arrived later in the day, and he does use a bow on a regular basis. Pulled the 70lb bow like it was nothing, hit the 25 yard target absolutely spot on, and put the arrow straight through the target sack. The power this guy had with a bow was quite impressive.

Looks like I need to build some muscle. Can't be embarrassed like that again!

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