Every Button Tells a Tale

Another box ticked with this cardigan, fresh off the needles, for daughter #5. I have a horrible feeling it might be on the small side for her, in which case she can pass it on to daughter#4 who is of elfin proportions.

The buttons, decorated round the edge with Orkney runes, were bought in Kirkwall during the summer. I hope she considers it trendy to have them in different colours as these are the only ones I have.
I am beginning to notice that the buttons for home knitted cardigans are almost as expensive as the wool.

It’s been another day of sunshine and relatively mild temperatures allowing His Lordship and me to organise some Christmas money laundering and present buying for the big day and for inopportune birthdays in the next month. I haven’t even got round to thinking about Christmas cards..........yet.

If there were a big rock somewhere nearby, I might hide under it with my book and some chocolate until January.

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