For Nina with Love

Hopefully with the completion of this bag for Granddaughter Nina the creative rush of blood to my brain will abate. I'm slightly sorry that the rabbit has assumed a somewhat doleful expression, but short of a trip to the plastic surgery clinic, I think I'll leave him be-I could make things even more sad for him.

His Lordship and I were out early today for toast devotions, but scurried back quickly to the warmth of the Dower House. We think that this has been the coldest morning so far, but now that the sun is up and out it should warm up.

We are putting up our Christmas tree this afternoon. Every year we do it earlier and earlier, but it is lovely to have its twinkly lights making the room look festive and inviting for a month of long dark nights.
Even more to the point, I have remembered where all the tree ornaments have been hidden. There was a point during a period of wakefulness in the wee small hours this morning where I couldn't for the life of me remember where I had secreted them, and this in a flat with precious little storage space. I am happy to report it wasn't in the unused bath tub.

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