
We had to wait in this morning for a package to be delivered although we were not convinced because the phone message was completely garbled with totally conflicting times.
But it did arrive.

So it was nearly lunchtime when we went to go and get fuel and the ingredients for the meal The Cygnet has asked for for his meal tomorrow.

On the way we nearly managed to get across the level crossing before it shut - so we had a bit of a wait (they give a really long hold on this crossing).

On our way home  we stopped at one of SWMBO's sisters' house.
She nearly got home before we got there.

After a cuppa and a natter we headed home and there was nearly total cloud cover and getting worse.

Again we nearly got through the level crossing but had to wait an age for the the Inter-city to shoot through.

I also nearly missed the sunset which sneaked up, shine brightly and disappeared in the space of just a few minutes.

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