Base Over Apex

Another broken night ………… (1st - Squirrel fell out of bed and TV switched itself on (twice) ….2nd - TV switched itself on ….. 3rd - Squirrel had bad dream (and cramp) 

Mid morning headed off and thought we would take the scenic route home ….. via Glenfinnan.
There were several stops to take pictures of the nice light and the snow on the mountain tops (many whilst Squirrel slept).
At one stop I was going down to the Lochside when one of the rocks I stood on came adrift and I was pitched down the slope (I now have a sore knee) and later found this picture was taken during the fall.

We arrived at the café, museum et al at Glenfinnan and just got something to eat and drink as a coach arrived (unannounced). One of the passengers did nothing but complain about the lack of seating, the lack of a full restaurant menu, the fact that the lady behind the counter wasn't doing enough for him. I was just waiting him to blame the staff for the weather -- which had turned to pouring rain which is why we didn't walk up to the viaduct (but The Cygnet seemed pleased just to the 'the Harry Potter" bridge from the car park).

Apart from Squirrel being slightly sick as we went into Fort William it was an uneventful journey home and the kids have been returned safely to their parents.

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