Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Fish Soup

Did a good bit of Christmas shopping online this morning. Late afternoon I made fish soup - a first for me! It was Jamie Oliver's Sicilian fish soup recipe. One of the ingredients was fennel and I didn't know even know the word in Spanish (hinojo, it turns out) and I wasn't sure I'd get it locally. Lo and behold, there it was in a wee fruit and veg shop....the same place that had quince last week! I had to check online how to prepare it. I tried another fishmonger's today, 3 mins from our front door - salmon, hake and prawns. Again, he took his time and removed the fish skin and cleaned and chopped the hake and salmon for me as requested, checking that the size of the cubes were what I wanted. Great service! The colour of the soup comes from the grated pumpkin and it felt very grown up using the fish stock I made yesterday! It's definitely more of a Friday night or weekend dish, but we have more than enough for tomorrow and that was after two bowls each tonight, so actually quite good value for money. Bb's score was 10/10 for this soup!

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