
By patrona

Genus Curcubita

This seems to be my week for things large and unnatural, on a walk along Pla de Martis I stumbled along the dried up stream bed turning over rocks desperately seeking something of interest to expose to my new lens, when I chanced upon a chain link fence and realised I was about to stray into someones garden.

What caught my eye beyond the fence were these absolutely enormous pumpkins, some of them at least a metre in girth. I bet someone is going to have a really fine lantern for Halloween.

No one seemed to be about so I was unable to enquire what miracle of fertilisation produced such fine fruit. Even my feeble catalan is equal to the task of talking s...e. If I can find out I will astonish and delight the family with the size of my legumes and brassicas next year. We will be able to live on courgette soup for evermore and I can repay the kindness of the nuns from the local convent by giving them lettuces and cucumbers to make their eyes pop.

But then I fell to wondering, what you do with twenty giant sized pumpkins? Twenty simultaneous productions of Cinderella? Soup for the county? Send them to Africa as housing for pygmies? On balance they could be as much a liability as a joy, maybe better to leave well alone.

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