It’s Never too Late to Weave

One’s children never fail to surprise, however old they are.
In particular I mention daughters #1 & #2who are 13 months apart in age but a million light years away in personality.

#1 daughter was a shy imaginative child with little practical leanings who went to Art School. #2 daughter,13 months younger, was outgoing and pragmatic with no apparent artistic traits and went to Medical School.

Now daughter#1 has become surprisingly practical and efficient in all matters although still living in the artistic world while daughter#2 has connected to her latent artistic talent and taken up a hobby of small loom weaving in the spare time she has from surgical matters. The moral of this tale is never label children, because they grow up to surprise you.

Daughter#2 came to the Dower House this morning to collect some wool , bringing with her these latest weavings she started on holiday in Orkney this year, a place guaranteed to whet any artistic leanings in the most pragmatic of people.

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