
By Sparky


early morning walk with millie, another glorious day here in south yorkshire.

I was tired after yesterday's ride, but felt ok after a nights rest. Though I did treat myself (its not really 'treating' as its a bunch of stuff that's bad for me, but you know what I mean) to a pack of mini crunchy bars, i didn't eat them all, I still have some in the cupboard, shouting at me...

Joe couldnt decide if he was going to fence the circuit this year, so left it too late to enter the nationals, which is annoying as it is here in sheffield. anyway, he wangled a place on a team for the Sunday team competition. and they came 2nd, dead chuffed for him.

I'm making more of an effort to take my olympus out with me when I go walking. The canon is relegated to special occasions and indoor shots as I still haven't been able to find a battery door cover. The pics taken on my HTC are misty, probably because there's mist in the phone, caused by sticking it down my bra whilst out running/walking. I have a sachet of silica gel in my handbag phone pocket now, in an attempt to sort this out. an arm strap for it might also help :)

BTW, a micro second after the shutter clicked on this, a great hound stood on the very spot!

laters y'all

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