The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Play Day

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was off today*. I had a BRILLIANT morning. It started with a chat with you Lovely Jenny. My calls to and from NZ always leave me feeling warm and fuzzy for the rest of the day. Murphy and I then went for a very long walk and we did our usual stop at the cafe. To my amazement, he patiently sat down and waited inside until his bacon was ready although he did manage to get halfway under the hatch into the kitchen when his bacon was handed over. He also ended up sharing my cheese scone because I am powerless to resist his ‘please can I have some’ face.

In the afternoon, I popped round to see The Explorer. She has an infection on her foot and is back on two crutches which is just rubbish. The novelty of being at home has long since worn off.

Eldest Mini Princess did her first hour of paid employment today. She is very pleased because she had to catch little people doing handstands and she didn’t drop anyone!


*Annoyingly, there was a power cut in George Street today and everyone was sent home from work!

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