Take cover (Day 923)

The dogs bolted off into the gloomy half light as soon as I opened the door of the van. I splashed up the hill behind them, not really sure where they were. I stopped at our normal turn round point and whistled for them. After a minute or two, they appeared, then disappeared off again. There was obviously something really interesting to chase. I was paying more attention to not being blown over in the fierce wind.
I zoomed off to work, and got stuck into fitting the bath. Sometimes a bath seems to go in really easily. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of those days. It took until well after lunch, but it is at least in place. The rest of the day was spent fitting the towel rail. Tomorrow, I will be doing wood butchery all day. Deep joy.
I snapped this shot of Hoy at lunchtime. I can't see Hoy Sound from where I park the van, but I was watching the weather coming in and my timing was perfect when I walked round the corner of the house to have a look for blip possibilities. (I didn't really walk round the corner, I struggled into the gale and fought to stand up and keep the horizon level-ish as I took the shot.) I only took this one shot, and it is straight out of the camera. Ninety seconds later, a fierce hailstorm arrived.
I am looking forward to the return of my beautiful wife from work...

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