Anuvver fevver (Day 924)

After another early wander up the hill in the half light of dawn (thankfully missing the rain and hail ) I zoomed into town to collect stuff for work. I stopped off on the way to the bathroom job to switch on Crispin's heating. He and Charlotte have been south for a week while Charlotte got her hip replaced. They were returning home today and I had offered to make sure the heating was on and working properly.
The majority of the rest of the day was spent at the bathroom job, cutting and fitting panels of wet wall. The first bit was the most difficult, with no square, level, or plumb edges to the walls or ceiling. I managed, eventually, and the next three bits went on reasonably well.
I left the bathroom fit in the late afternoon, and went to sort out a leaking loo. I arrived home, thinking I had finished for the day until a call out to another loo which was causing problems.
When I finally got home, my beautiful wife presented me with a fabulous dinner and a beer.
I raided the feather box again...

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