That Was Close!

SWMBO and I met up with Chicken Lady for breakfast this morning.
So no lunch required!

A bit of finishing done on a spalted beech bowl 

In the afternoon we went to the garden centre for free coffee ...... and very tasty, huge scones!

Late afternoon I got a phone call from Bags. Apparently there had been an accident at the end of road leading to the school and the the road was going to be shut for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately son-in-law was stuck in the queue of traffic after collecting Squirrel for her French lesson.
Would it be possible to walk down, collect Squirrel and take her home?
No problem.
So SWMBO and I walked down past the school and were just about level with the son-in-law's car when the police waved the traffic out!
So we walked home again!

I am glad to say that as the day wore on my back improved. By tomorrow it should be back to 'normal' .... or as 'normal' as it ever gets.

The blip ........ I had the extension tube on the camera and when I put the camera on my knee prior to taking the coffee cup picture, I noticed that the focus point was almost touching the front of the lens -- so this in the weaving in my jeans.

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