
It was nice and sunny this morning.
Walked round a corner with PD on our walk and there was mist in the hollow - but it only lasted seconds.
However, it meant there were water drops everywhere. Just a shame I didn't have the macro lens with me so I had to try and isolate stuff with the long lens (like this - but the darker background  worked better).
There are other shots with these.

When I got home I went to put my big trolley away (the one I used for the craft fair the other day and had just dumped in the garage).
While I was doing that my back went 'ping' ... so I have been on painkillers all day.
I still had to go out and do a bit of shopping and walk PD at lunchtime but being upright was a bit better than sitting. SWMBO joined me on the walk - hopefully this will become a more regular thing again as it does her good as well.
When we got back I spent a few minute standing at the lthe making a handful of spinning tops. I didn't have to move or twist so it was okay, but I quit for a cuppa at just the right point.
Hopefully it will have settled down by tomorrow.

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