Just Starting Out

My blip intention for today was a mobile phone …… the worst invention in the world.
Last night I enjoyed the music but not the experience.
4 couples we had to ask to shut up during the support act …….. yack, yack, yack - at normal speaking volume! One woman even had the cheek to accuse SWMBO of being rude asking her to be quiet as we were trying to listen to the singer.
During the main event there was a woman in front of me who was constantly texting and recording on the brightest (sorry - 2nd brightest)phone in the world (she was told I was going to shine a torch in her face and see how she liked it). The woman in front of her had the brightest phone. Twice I bounced a throat lozenge off her head and told her to pack it in. The woman standing behind me wasn't happy when I eventually stood up and put my hand in front of the searchlight attached to the phone she was recording with.
The staff were doing nothing to get these people to stop annoying others with their 'phones' - despite there being signs up all over the place. They also did nothing to stop people standing up and dancing on the balcony (despite the supervisor telling them there was to be none of it but it was quite acceptable for them to stand and dance on the passageway at the rear (a safety issue). My back injury precludes me from standing in the same spot so I was unable to see the stage for most of the time -- the people in wheelchairs were in the same position.
We were going to complain to the management on the way out but we were unable to find any member of staff let alone a manager. 
A letter is being composed.

Right …… moan over and onto today.

There were some nice cloud formations today and some warm lighting while PD and I were out.
I have no idea when the tree split, but I have never noticed it before.

Unfortunately I didn't have a long enough lens to get a decent shot of the two twats on the stolen motorbike who (I think) were shouting a warning to the little old lady walking her terrier They certainly slowed down a bit to drive past her). I got a wave when they realised I was taking a picture. I waved back ………. it would be rude not to.

On the way home PD had a chat with this young lady who is only 6 months old and is just starting her training and PD was the first 'big' dog she has met and her trainer was quite pleased with her behaviour.
I wish her well and hope she passes all her exams and is able to give a blind person some freedom.

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