Mine, mine!!

'M' is for Mine! ;-)

My very dear friend Connie brought me this lovely gift in the first days after my diagnosis! My first reaction was: 'Mine, mine - my boobies!' Connie said no, read the card! How great!! The following, freely translated, is what she wrote:

Aug 2012

Dear Ouma Helen

Life is not always easy, sometimes there are big, ugly thorns to hurt us and make us cry!
Cling to what is yours though! Your life as a child of the Lord Jesus!
One day at a time!
Lots of love ....
The Goodalls!

How sweet and sooo true!! Thank you Connie, it is on my desk in my bedroom and serves as inspiration every day!! Luvu!!

I truly feel less drained, actually since Thursday already, but today was not as good once more, eisch! All sorts of bone pains, mainly the ribs and feet, started bothering me today, quite a nasty headache as well. The oncologist says it is one of the expected effects, so, lets work it through then!


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