Far, far from home

Not a bad day today, bright, though chilly and blustery. I haven't been out, largely because I'm trying to put the images together for our Photographic Club competition which this time is 'Weather', and trying at the same time to find something of mine to put in! I then have to check through them all and send them off to the judge together with a completed form with all the titles. Last night was the judging of 'Reflections & shadows' and I didn't do well. Bad judge obviously!

This is therefore somewhat of an emergency Blip. This begonia, Begonia hatacoa PGG209 to give it its full title, is the descendent by cuttings of one I grew from seed which I collected in a dark, damp evergreen oak forest in Nepal in 1990. I've Blipped it before in some form or other, but here it is full-sized on the rock outside the house on a rather breezy day!

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