Mono Monday - A Frog's Eye View
Monday Morning Blues in Green...
The theme of frog's eye view caused me to think... shall I semi-submerge my camera? No, came the reply - quite quickly I thought. Ah, right. So our frog is currently sat in his customary place on the edge of the pond. Generally dry, for which I thank him. The eye of the frog creates a distorted effect on the plants and hopefully that's come across here. There are bubbles... who knows, perhaps a lady frog...
One of the reasons for my blue mood in green has just resolved. Last Friday I took a delivery for a neighbour (not unusual and we're all lovely people). This time however, it turns out they'd not in fact ordered the large dining room table and chairs... Space in my garage is limited, mainly because of my gorgeous fat black girl, Morrigan. So, problem.
However, the phone has just rung and the warehouse admit now that their expert staff were meant to deliver to a new build house at the other end of the village, but since their GPS SatNav didn't know of Cowslip Way they chose us instead. Randomly. I now await the return of white van man.
Now all I have to sort out is the potential politicisation of the forthcoming Act of Remembrance. In my spare time. heh.
FML... As the young people text.
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