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 During Toms' chemo infusion this morning he asked me what I was reading. I told him the title was "Before We Were Yours", and that it's inspired by the true story of the infamous Georgia Tann, the admired director of an adoption agency in Tennessee; the public thought she was an advocate for children, helping to raise standards of care. In reality she was a monster, who let young girls be assaulted, who let sickly children die, who kidnapped, mistreated, & sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country back in the 30's and 40's. 
It made Tom reminisce about the Children's Home here in Milwaukee County, where he spent a year and a half at the age of 5, along with his younger brother and sister, although they were all separated from one another & rarely saw each other. He remembers being put in a room by himself the day he got there while they took his brother and sister away. He was told to be quiet and they'd be back, but apparently they forgot about him, and hours later someone came in to turn on the lights, found him there, and yelled at him for being inside the room. He remembers his grandpa and his mom coming on visiting day to celebrate his 6th birthday, bringing him a few toys as gifts, and later that night one of the matrons took the toys, put them into her purse and took them home with her.  He remembers a matron turning on the lights to the room where he and other little boys slept, then walking through the room and spanking any of them that sat up to see what was going on. I'd heard the stories from Tom before, but still so very heartbreaking!  You're probably wondering what on earth this has to do with anything. Well, the Children's Home was located about a half mile from where the hospital is, and out of curiosity, Tom wanted to drive over after his chemo and see if the buildings were still there, so we took a little side trip. They weren't there. They've all been torn down--I don't know how long ago--and this park is now in it's place. Right in the middle of the open field was a single chair........maybe someone else sat and reminisced about that old Children's Home--I can't help but be glad it's gone!

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