An Engineering Marvel....

....Maple Seeds!
Did you know that in order to reproduce, maple seeds need to fall far enough away from the parent tree that the parent tree doesn't shade it?
Did you know that the maple seeds won't fall from the tree until the "wings" are quite dry, so that they'll be lighter, can "fly" farther, and once it lands the wings can break away from the seed more easily?
Did you know that the shape of the "wings" allows more lift when the seed falls?
Did you know that the veins in the "wings" are concentrated at the outer edge--the part that cuts into the air when it falls--so that their weight and texture can cause turbulence & increase the distance they can fly?  (much like a golf balls' dimples or a birds' wing).
Did you know that if you're ever lost in the woods and you're hungry, the seeds can be eaten?
How amazing is that!!   :))

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