Into The Fog

Very cold this morning with dense, thick fog. It was very atmospheric so I decided to get off my backside and go and take shots for my black and white project. I've realised I don't like the name I've given the project so I've decided to change it to The Valley In Between. I think this is more appropriate as it refers to the geography - it's a valley between my village and the new one being built. Also, to me it feels as if it's between it's industrial past, it's rural present and it's residential future.
It was my day off today after finally finishing all my deadlines and I so needed to get away from photographing paintings. I think the stress did get to me as I was constantly dreaming about work every night for the past few days so getting out to the valley was a great escape. Sometimes it's not just the physical aspect of it - lifting the artworks, moving the studio camera, looking at a screen all day, it's also dealing with endless e-mails and urgent requests. The new "conveyer belt" system implemented at work means I never quite catch up before another batch of paintings arrives to be shot. As I've said before I'm very lucky that I can play music while I work - although as I get busier and busier the music gets louder, usually to cover up my swearing! Looking forward to the weekend and a couple of more relaxing days.

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