A day of naughtiness

Ann doesn't know what's got into me today. She thinks that maybe the stress of having to act like a 'perfect pooch' around OZZY for two and a half weeks has all been too much for me?! I've done one naughty thing after another today and Ann has even threatened to swop me for Ozzy!!

This morning I went for a walk on my lead around town. When Ozzy was here we walked perfectly on our leads together. Today I pulled on my lead and snarled at three other dogs that I didn't like the look off, I went mad at a lorry that dared to drive past us and, I dawdled and sniffed at things for the whole of the walk.

Ann was really cross with me. She said if she hadn't already promised to buy me new bouncy balls she wouldn't have bothered because naughty collies didn't deserve new toys. Anyway she had to go to 'Tesco Extra' so said I could go with her, she'd buy me some new bouncy balls and then I could go to Portreath Beach to have a play.

I ended up spending almost 2 hours in the car. There was an accident on the A30 so all the traffic was diverted through Camborne which was pretty much gridlocked so it took us well over an hour to get to Tesco Extra. Normally it takes less than half an hour. Ann had to return something that she'd bought online. Suffice to say, the 'Tesco employee' she encountered was not the most efficient person in the world ..................but no-one wants to hear about Ann's daily traumas?!!

Eventually I got to Portreath Beach with my brand new yellow bouncy ball. It was pouring with rain so initially I had the whole beach to myself. Then a spaniel appeared. He was called Barney and he had a green bouncy ball. It's always more fun playing with someone else's ball. However I don't think Barney's owner liked me very much. He put the green bouncy ball into a bag and walked off with Barney. I didn't mind though because I'd already spotted a little terrier type dog who had a red bouncy ball. I was naughty - I got the ball and I wouldn't give it back. Finally Ann captured me. I stopped to have a wee and she put me back on my lead. Just how mean is that??!!

But my naughtiness didn't stop there. Ann has just given me my dinner but I didn't want it. I wanted 'treats'. My 'treats box' lives on a shelf that I can't reach so I kept jumping up at it. Ann went mad at me. She said, 'Molly I've had enough of you today - if you don't eat your dinner I'm going to give it to Ozzy.' Well, obviously I gobbled it up straight away.

So, that's what's been happening in my life today. Now I'm snoozing peacefully in my bed looking cute and gorgeous.

OK - I have been a 'little bit' naughty today but I know that soon Ann is going to come to me and tickle me behind my ears and say:

...........................'Molly collie I love you'!!!!!!

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