Bottoms up!

For our last afternoon together we went 'rabbiting' on the dunes. We both spent a lot of time sticking our bums up in the air while looking down rabbit holes ............................ but we didn't see any rabbits today. They must have all been deep inside their burrows.

We also did lots of running and bounding about, and Ann made us pose together for one last blip before we took Ozzy home.

.......................I'm really going to miss him. I've had such a lovely time with Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend. And Ann is really proud of the way I've coped with all the rules - I've pretty much overcome my 'possessive eating disorder'. It just goes to show that routine and consistency are what suits me best. I'm a gorgeous little collie that needs boundaries and understanding.

Tonight we are going to have 'owner/dog together time'. Much as I like Ozzy it will be lovely to have Ann all to myself again.

..........................And tomorrow we are going shopping for new bouncy balls! Yay!

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