
By LadyPride

The Hangover

Well I sure paid for my night out. Felt like death today! Stuffed my face with bread and chocolate, washed down with gallons of Diet Coke and only then did I start to feel human again. So now I remember why I stopped drinking so much before I was pregnant. I hate hangovers. Add on top a sleepless night and it feels ten times worse!

I had lots of work to do today and the in-laws were over to babysit so I couldn't let the hangover get in the way. I drove into town and put my head on the steering wheel for 5 minutes for a power snooze in the car park. The shame.

Had a dentist appointment in town - long story, but after years of putting it off, I am finally getting my teeth fixed. Aesthetically speaking. It's a confidence thing. I probably don't need to do it but I really want to sort it for my own self esteem. It involves lots of treatments over the next few months, some pain and sensitivity and I am likely to regret ever starting it (never mind paying for it!) but I hope it will be worth it in the end. We shall see.

I spent the afternoon in the Northern Quarter finally getting my head down with some work in an internet cafe. Wrote two press releases and a proposal so not bad all in all after 4 hours broken sleep and a hangover from hell.

Drove back home and spotted a harassed Mother of Two wrangling with her daughter while I sat in traffic. I had to capture the moment for blip. The look on the little girl's face as she clutches her doll defiantly says it all.

Aaaahhh when I think what I have to look forward to with Audrey. Sigh.

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