
So, Storm Brian has hit the UK, and it's been very much a blustery day with sunshine and showers.  High tide was at 1pm, so we went down to the beach to get some shots, at a safe distance of course!  Alan had the waterproof camera and unbeknown to me, took some photos of me taking my shots, and I've added a couple to my extras.  They're good in that they show the size of the waves - the undercliff walk between Saltdean and Rottingdean was actually flooded, we've never seen that before!

We got soaked in a heavy rain shower, but dried very quickly with the wind once the sun came out, and our faces tasted very salty!  I love seeing it like this, but people need to respect the sea and already we've heard of one life that's been lost today.  I know a certain bit of the beach where you can get good shots without being at risk, as you can see from where I'm stood, but some people were far too close!

We then went to the marina as I needed to do a food shop, and then we went to 'The Laughing Dog' cafe for a hot chocolate and cake, and on the way home we stopped off in Rottingdean.  I wanted to pick up some Christmas cards from the charity shop as they have some lovely local cards, and we also popped in to see Elif in her shop as we haven't seen her since the wedding.  She told me the other day that she's expecting, and the baby's due in March.  She's blooming, and I'm so happy for them as I know it's what they really wanted.

Anyway, the steak's cooking, so I'd better make sure I don't burn it!  Have a lovely evening x

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