Growing old disgracefully


ALLIUM SEED HEAD... least, I think that's what it is. After a few days apart and a busy day yesterday, the Prof and I felt like a gentle day in familiar places, so our Wednesday outing was to Ross Priory, where I had fun with the autumn colours and textures. Feeling a bit more relaxed about my photography today, after feeling a bit constrained by the OU photography course I started this week. As so often, the solution is absurdly simple - learn all the technical stuff and at the same time just notice what is around and enjoy filming it.

I m so, so sorry I don't have time to visit and comment as usual. But I will be back once the course is finished - please don't go away!

Sparkling sun on Loch Lomond
Long conversations with my man
Lovely thank you phone calls, emails, cards and a real letter from Mull


Gentle wee morning ramble
An hour's hard graft in the garden in the afternoon

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