Growing old disgracefully



Although I have done the odd small gig over the summer, today was the start of the teaching season proper. The weather obliged - it is always much easier to work indoors when it's like Niagara outside. I try to do most of my teaching in the winter months. Between now and early December, I will have the pleasure of working with 60 new students and not only teaching a new course, but training others to do so. How do I feel about it all? Actually, I feel ready to go - I pace myself better these days, my admin is more streamlined and I say 'no' more often and more readily. And there is a lot of fun to fit around the teaching.

Needing matchsticks to prop my eyes open as I type - we were up a t 4 am to help friends catch a flight, and when I came back from my class I learned the VIP's Mum is poorly and the lad himself was coming over to play, be fed and bathed and sleep over. Not quite in the master plan, but it was fun and he is almost asleep - I won't be long after him.

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