The Web

It's been a damp, artsy day. Visited Baltimore Museum of Art in the morning where they have more Monets than you can swing a cat at. Amazing. Lots of good stuff but my favourite artist was an Argentinian, Tomas Saraceno. This piece is mostly spider webs spun by different numbers and types of spiders ('solitary semi-social semi-social') over a couple of weeks. Sounds dodgy but looks great. The extra is another piece that fills a room space; it's non-organic!

In the afternoon we wandered along to another couple of old mills which had open artist's studios. It was a real mix of stuff, varying from fab to really? but we chatted with them all - we're sociable tourists! Luckily we also found the Union brewery for a much needed beer - we'd taken a wrong turn and ended up walking twice as far as we should have - but they had the all too common craft brewery affliction of over-hopping everything. Hopefully that's a passing fashion but in the meantime we'll keep trying new brews.

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