Then You Shake It All About

Dear Princess Normal and Dear Fellows,

Today we were out of bread, eggs and milk. I decided to take advantage of this fact by walking through the botanic gardens.

They are completely in the opposite direction from the shops, but I was feeling pathfindery. And anyway, the gardens are lovely. The hills they are built on make for spectacular scenery which I totally failed to capture on my phone dammit.

And, after a lovely long meander, I picked up the essentials but FORGOT tortilla chips. I was hoping to make nachos tonight, but we will have to make do with plain old chili.

Unless I go out again via the museum...

When I got home, Er Indoors wanted me to do a Fashion Shoot. This is not something which happens to me often. She starts work again tomorrow and - for reasons which escape me - there's been a thing going around amongst her sister and all her mates where they lie on the couch with their left leg in the air while doing their jobs and then post on Facebook.

I try not to ask.

So I took loads and loads of pictures. Leg in the air with phone. Leg in the air without phone. Leg in the air looking serious. Leg in the air looking professional. Leg in the air looking goofy. Leg in the air, goofy AND with phone. And so on. It took a while.

I showed her all the pictures I took. She looked horrified. "I can't post these on social media," she said. "They are all fanny shots."

I tried from another angle. But here's the issue. With your left leg in the air, it is really hard to avoid a hint of the foof area. Try though I might, there it was. Staring back at me.

In the end it was determined that a selfie would be better. Leg NOT in the air.

Husbands can't do ANYTHING.

You will note that I posted lots of extra pictures today. From the botanic gardens. And my legs were firmly together.


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