Another project?!

To make my walks a bit more interesting over the winter months Ann has created a little project for me........................... The little project is called 'Bus Route Walks' and it involves us getting on a bus (because we love Edinburgh buses) and going to the terminus. Then we have to walk home via the most interesting route we can find.

Today we jumped on a number 16 bus and went to Colinton. And then we walked back home along by the Braid Burn. That was a very nice bus route walk for a little collie like me because I got to splish and splash and splosh all the way home.

We only walked three and a half miles today. Some of our bus route walks are going to be more than 10 miles. But hey ho, we love a challenge?!

And for anyone who is interested; we are going to tag all our bus route walks with the tag, 'BusRouteWalks'. How original is that?!!!!

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