In a strange mood

I've been in a bit of a strange mood today. I don't know why, but I just feel really unsettled. I went out for about half an hour first thing this morning. After I've had my morning walk and breakfast, I usually settle down for a little snooze. This morning I didn't have any snooze time. I paced around, following Ann and I kept asking to go out onto the sun terrace. But as soon as I got out there, I asked to come back in.

At lunchtime we went down to the 'Sloop Inn' to meet Ann's friend, Heather, and my little friend, Ruby, the Cavapoo. Ann & Heather had a very yummy roast beef lunch and two bottles of wine. Normally when I'm in a pub I just lie down under the table in good dog mode. Today I was NOT in good dog mode. I was in irritating mode.

Even though I was tied to the table leg, I kept standing up and trying to wander around. I refused to lie under the table and the bar staff kept tripping over me. Then I decided I would make friends with annoy the people on the next table, so I rested my head on their laps to see if they would give me some tasty treats. Ann was NOT happy with me. She said, 'Molly, what is wrong with you today? Normally you're such a well behaved little collie when I take you out.'

To be honest, I don't know what's wrong with me. But I'm definitely not being my normal happy self. When we came back from lunch Ann had a power nap because drinking wine at lunchtime makes her sleepy and I went into quite a deep sleep for an hour or so.

…..........But now I'm back in 'strange mode' again.

Oh well, ho hum, who knows how a dogs mind works?!

PS – And if anyone is interested................... We went to see my very lovely vet, Jonathan, on Friday afternoon because we're going up to Edinburgh next week for a few months and Ann wanted to get me checked over before we go. Ann explained to Jonathan that I'm still super speedy when I'm off my lead or when we go for walks with Ann's friends; but I'm very 'snail like' if I'm just trekking around town with Ann and I'm on my lead. Ann asked him if I was possibly just bored walking around on my lead and he agreed that, that could be a possibility. Obviously I've still got osteoarthritis and I've got to keep taking my tablets. Also all the horrid little spots/skin tags that are developing on various parts of my body are nothing to worry about. Nor are the tiny little black spots that have sprouted on my tummy at the top of my legs, etc.  It's just a change in the pigmentation of my skin. It seems like all of my ailments are just due to old age.  Boohoo!!   #Itsnofungettingold

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