Busy, busy, busy - Part 2

Yesterday we were extremely busy. Today we have been extremely busy. Life in the city is very hectic!

Morning walk pounding the streets of the Edinburgh suburbs. Then we had to wait in for our very lovely handyman, Callum, to come round to fix all the things that holiday makers have wrecked.

For those of you who don't follow our Blips regularly we have been living in Cornwall for the last 6 months and our flat in Edinburgh has been rented out to holiday makers.

Actually we've been really lucky when renting out our home. We have a very good 'Executive Housekeeper' who lets us know about problems as soon as they happen!  Most of the things that Callum fixed were due to wear & tear (ie mould underneath the shower sealant) and we've got to be realistic here................ One cannot rent out one's house without expecting a bit of wear and tear. However, a few weeks ago, we had a 'batty old woman' staying and she broke the handle off the door to the cupboard where the electric meter/fuse box is (that is not wear & tear – that is just 'batty old woman' being a bit 'batty') and we suspect she also turned the fuse switch off which heats up the water overnight because for the last couple of weeks nobody else has been able to get into that cupboard our visitors have had to have the hot water on the 'boost' system. Ann was panicking because she thought the system (that we only had put in last year) had failed and she would have to pay a fortune to have it fixed. Turns out once we got into the cupboard, all we had to do was flick a switch?! 

Anyway, while Callum was doing all our jobs, I was snoozing and Ann was doing 'homework' for her web design course. She's designing a website for her new venture which is a dog walking service. Not quite sure when she's going to launch this business yet but it's always good to be prepared??!!

After Callum left I had to have 'home alone' snooze time while Ann went off to the swimming pool to swim 60 lengths. If you missed our Blip yesterday; she's signed up to do the Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge. She's swam 108 lengths in the last couple of days but still has another 1440 to go?!

As soon as Ann got home I got taken for my walk in Braidburn Valley Park. I love Braidburn Valley Park. I get to splish, splash, splosh in the burn and I get to play with all the other doggies who walk there and I get to roll around on the grass on my back. It's a fabulous place.

Back to the flat and I got left 'home alone' again. Booohoo. Ann went off for a job interview. Well something has got to pay for my treats and her wine. And guess what?....................... Ann has got a little part time job at Baberton Golf Club. Yay! It seems like a really nice friendly place. She's really looking forward to her first shift next Tuesday.

Big Asda shop on the way home for Ann and when she arrived back at the flat I was in 'flaked out snooze mode' on the sofa again?!!!!

…............And Ann immediately went into 'domestic goddess mode' and made a fish pie which is just about ready to eat in front of all the Friday night soaps on TV. #nomoreTVdinners

Sooooooo...................... we've had a really busy couple of days...................... and Ann likes to record our life for......................... Actually I don't know why she likes to record our life????

#ournextfewblipswillbeshorter Lol lol lol!!!

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