Busy, busy, busy!

Early morning walk around the grounds of the Astley Ainslie Hospital. Unfortunately I was on my lead for the whole time. Don't know why because there were squirrels that needed chasing and I couldn't get to them. Boohoo!

By the way, when we were up Blackford Hill yesterday, Ann is convinced that she saw a meerkat sitting under a prickly bush watching me being blipped. But when she tried to get a bit closer to take a photo it ran away. Have any of you other lovely Edinburgh Blippers seen a meerkat up Blackford Hill? …............I digress.

Home alone snooze time for me while Ann went off to a pottery class. She made three bowls items and has put the photo of them in extras to remind herself how bad she was at the beginning of the course. Hopefully by the end of the ten week course she will have become a master potter???!!!

Straight after pottery Ann walked to the swimming pool, swam 48 lengths and then walked home. And guess where I was? Stretched out on the sofa looking very cute. Strange that I have no problem jumping onto the sofa but refuse to jump into the car??? Anyway Ann has a lot of swimming to do before 4th Dec because she has signed up to do the 'Aspire Swim the English Channel Challenge' which basically means she has to swim 22 miles.  22 miles equals 1548 lengths of the local pool so now she's only got another 1500 to swim. Lol!

And then we went on my afternoon walk up Craiglockhart Hill and along the Union Canal. Walked 4.3 miles which took us almost an hour and a half, and included me being tied up outside Tesco while Ann bought ingredients to make a 'fancy' Shepherds Pie something with mince, mushrooms, cheese, onions, potatoes?! Another of her 'little projects' is to cook something new every week.

Day 1 in Edinburgh has been totally exhausting so Ann is now having a glass of wine while she helps me post my Blip. She thought about doing 'Go sober in October' but thinks she's got enough little projects on the go at the moment (oh and she has a job interview tomorrow) and anyway she doesn't like taking on challenges she knows she's going to fail. Lol, lol, lol!!!

Sooooo........... tonight it's EastEnders on TV, (a bit of homework for the web design course she started last night), Safehouse on TV, a little 'before bedtime' walk for me................... And then it will be bedtime.

Goodnight all. xxx

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