
By LadyPride

My girl

Today we had a lovely family lunch up in Cheshire for my birthday. I get the feeling my birthdays have changed forever. All anyone really wanted to see was Audrey. She even had her own gifts and it wasn't even her birthday!

Not that I mind though. She's my world and my family's obsession with her only mirrors my own.

My sister Jo had bought her a baby book (background bit - Jo is an educational psychologist so that should explain something). It totally blew Audrey's mind. I have never seen anything like it. From the minute Jo opened it, she was goggle eyed in wonder at its contents which included coloured panels, furry animals and textured pages.

Having been played with, read to and not having slept well (in a noisy restaurant), you'd have thought she'd be totally wired when we got back or at least cream-crackered. Nope. Alert as you like.

We had a Top 5 Moment together on the sofa while my husband napped upstairs. Not sure where it came from but she suddenly started making all these gorgeous sounds - all the while staring into my eyes - with the biggest smile on her face. Made all my problems disappear in an instant. And she fell soundly to sleep after her bath and feed.

My girl, talking bout my girl......

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