A walk with Ozzy

Continuing on with the poorly collie saga..................................
This really is becoming a bit tedious now isn't it? I was sick during the night. I sicked up a teeny weeny bit of chicken & rice and two leaves. Two leaves? Why have I been eating leaves? I know that leaves are not tasty things for little collies to eat! I hope I'm not getting dementia. Anyway I'm going to continue to have chicken and rice for my dinner and breakfast for the next few days.

…........And this afternoon look who came on my walk with me......................... Ozzy my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend. First we had to go to ASDA and wait in the car while Ann bought me enough chicken to last me for a week. Yum, yum. I'm loving my chicken and rice meals and do you know what?.................... I've even eaten most of my normal dog food tonight that was mixed in with it. Yay!

After we'd waited we got to go for our walk around Carnsew Pool. Ann said, 'Molly & Ozzles, I don't want you going swimming today. There is far too much seaweed around and you will both end up really stinky if you go in the water. Today you may chase bunnies and do lots of running.'

Ozzy chased two bunnies but he didn't catch them. I zoomed along the edge of the water after a jet skier but I didn't catch him.

Sooooooo........................... we decided to disobey Ann and go swimming in the seaweedy sea.

Ann was right.................................. Now we're both very stinky!!!

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