A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not quite the plan

There's a bit in Chiswick Gardens where you turn the bend in the lake and get a straightish glimpse through the trees to the bridge. It's really lovely. And I can't photograph it properly. I've tried so many times but it never comes close to doing it justice. So you'll have to make do with this and if you want a better version you'll have to visit.

Today wasn't quite to plan either as I somehow thought it would be super chilled and leisurely. Clearly I had forgotten how little had been done during the week due to the lurgy and therefore quite how productive today would actually be. Oddly satisfying to be the other side of it all now. And there is definitely going to be a lot of leisure in tomorrow. Not least as one of my areas of productivity today was the constant clearing of my lungs and the taking of insane amounts of Wellness Tablets and Vitamin C and I am ending the day thinking that tomorrow will see me on an outing and not curled under a duvet as had seemed more likely earlier.

Also possibly helped by a really lovely long soak in the bath listening to the audiobook of Allison Pearson's How Hard Can It Be? - sequel to the wonderful I Don't Know How She Does It.

I also realised today how much I don't mind any of the chores I am doing at the moment as they are all normal and ordinary and mark that we have pretty much rejoined the tracks we slipped off 32 months ago. And I'm not sure exactly when it went but I noticed the absence of the undercurrent of stress. So safe to say I am in a fairly chipper mood.

Lesley x

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