The Colour Run

It was an early start this morning as I was working overtime and had to open up the surgery at 8.30am.  It was a quiet morning though, with just one of the physiotherapists in and we only had four patients, so I was finished for 12.15pm.

I stopped off at the marina on my way home, as I needed to call at the supermarket, and the Colour Run had just come to an end, so I walked up to the sea front to get some photos.  It was great, there was a stage with two 'DJ's',  a Unicorn, and music. The atmosphere was fantastic, and I wandered around with my camera, and caught them firing powdered paint and 'glitter' out of the canons.  I think I'd like to do this next year, if anyone fancies joining me :-)

After lunch we took mum to Seaford and went to the museum in the Martello Tower, which she loved it as it brought back lots of memories from when she was a child.  Then we walked up to Splash Point and had ice creams on the beach.

The sunset looked promising tonight, and it was low tide at the same time, so I set off into Brighton with mum, in the hope of getting some spectacular shots by the West Pier, but a bank of cloud was blocking the sun, so we turned around and headed home.

It's been another lovely day, despite having to go to work and the forecast is good for tomorrow!

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