L'al Ratty

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A very noisy night with rain hammering down on the campervan roof, and the water running down the paths on the site in the morning.  We have been on the site for three nights and will be glad to be back on the road! Far too many bossy notices, warnings and rules and regulations.  One warning about "No messing about in the toilets"!

Drove northwards along the coast to see the Ravenglass and Eskdale railway.  Ravenglass itself was wonderfully wild and windswept and reminded us of home!  Tried to buy bread, and was told there would be more in on Wednesday by an interesting old man in the shop, who had his old cat on the counter, keeping him company and shedding copious amounts of hair in the process!  

After a look round the station we had a very muddy walk out to the ruins of a Roman bath house.  A terrific area for Roman remains, archaeologists working nearby today.  Settled down in the van on a lovely. very friendly site,  still knackered after the weekend!  Eggy bread and baked beans for tea, and a couple of glasses of wine!

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