
So, what I hadn't expected was a post-ceilidh living room disco at Gibbzer's, which resulted in the Minx and I finally hitting the sack at 3 a.m. and consequently missing the breakfast we'd planned in Edinburgh and instead heading straight off down the A68 towards Jedburgh.

When I worked in Edinburgh and had the time, this was my favoured route home, although on this occasion, having passed through the town, a couple closed roads led to us seeing signs reading 'Jedburgh 7' more times than I was comfortable with: it seemed we were destined to never get away.

But eventually we ended up on the A7, eventually passing through Langholm, where the Minx spotted the Pelosis Corner Café, which BELIEVE ME was just what we needed!

(The photo is from the stairwell of the tenement that we were staying in. I love those buildings, plus this is pretty much my favourite colour scheme.)

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