
I wonder if the Germans do have a word for it: those things you don't look forward to - or maybe even dread - yet you enjoy once you're doing them. That might be running in the rain or speaking in public (see yesterday's Blip) or perhaps being invited to a ceilidh.

To be more specific, we were very kindly invited to Eric and Andrea's wedding reception in Edinburgh, this evening, which did involve a ceilidh and, therefore, dancing. I say "therefore": I suppose we could have skulked at the back but I think it's just better to accept you're going to get up and take part. Don't be that guy.

We met up for a drink with Kerry and my eldest, Charlie - who was coincidentally in Edinburgh, this weekend - for a drink beforehand and then it was on to the main event. We were greeted by the evidently very happy bride and groom before finding our way to a table in the room where the dancing was to take place. 

We said hi to a couple of Twitter friends and then Gibbzer arrived, looking fantastically glamorous and also very well considering she had been at the lunchtime event, too. She was also up for getting a dance in early on, although we avoided the first one - which was the 'Gay Gordon' - as there appeared to be an awful lot of people who new it well and ideally we wanted something where our inexperience wouldn't be so obvious... 

... which turned out to be the next dance. So it was that we got up, found some people to hold hands with, and then walked through the steps, futilely trying to build some muscle memory before the music started. And then the fun began and fun it really was, desperately trying to recall the steps we'd been taught moments before, the laughter only interrupted by (very) brief spells of intense concentration.

The Minx and I only did a couple of dances in the end, although Gibbzer turned out to be a bit of a star. We spent the rest of the time drinking and chatting until the ceilidh finished and the disco started, and even though I always maintain my dance floor days are behind me, I did get up for a little boogie to 'Once In A Lifetime'. (Who wouldn't?)

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